As women enter the midlife stage, the demands and challenges of daily life can become overwhelming. Juggling career responsibilities, family obligations, and personal well-being can take a toll on physical, mental, and emotional health. In such times, rest becomes essential for rejuvenation and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Do you have a preferred type of rest?  Rest is not limited to sleep alone.  Not all rest is created equally, many of us think that flopping on the sofa and binge-watching a series on Netflix is rest, however, it’s not the wholesome, nurturing and cup-filling rest that your body is deeply craving.  There are various types of rest that can provide unique benefits for midlife women. In this blog, we will explore seven different types of rest and delve into why they are particularly beneficial for bringing balance to our sense of balance and control during this phase of our life.

6 picture collage of mid life women resting in different ways

Physical Rest

Physical rest involves giving your body time to recover and recharge. For midlife women who may experience hormonal changes, fatigue, or physical discomfort, taking breaks and allowing the body to rest is crucial. Engaging in activities like gentle yoga, stretching, or even taking short naps can alleviate muscle tension, reduce stress, and enhance overall physical well-being. Regular physical rest that allows us to shift the focus to moving our body allows our minds to take a break; in turn, promotes better sleep quality, reducing the risk of chronic illnesses, and contributing to increased energy levels, allowing midlife women to stay active and fully engaged in your daily life.


Mental Rest

Midlife women are phenomenal jugglers.  Midlife women often find themselves constantly engaged in multitasking, decision-making, and problem-solving. This can lead to mental exhaustion and diminished cognitive function. Mental rest involves giving your mind a break from the constant stream of thoughts and mental stimulation. Activities such as meditation, mindfulness, or pursuing creative hobbies like painting or writing can provide a respite for the mind. By giving the brain time to unwind, it’s possible to enhance your focus, clarity, and mental resilience, ultimately improving your overall cognitive health and well-being.


Emotional Rest

Midlife can be a time of emotional upheaval due to various life transitions, such as empty nest syndrome, career changes, or relationship adjustments. Emotional rest involves recognising and addressing emotional needs. This can be achieved through activities such as journaling, therapy, or engaging in meaningful conversations with trusted friends or loved ones. One of the greatest gifts that you can give to yourself is giving yourself permission to process your day and events that have happened and release emotions. Taking a break from your emotional stress, even just for ten minutes can reduce stress, enhance emotional stability, and cultivate a deeper understanding and acceptance of your own feelings.


Social Rest

Midlife women often have extensive social networks and responsibilities, which can sometimes leave them feeling drained. Social rest involves setting boundaries and taking time for oneself. It may mean saying no to social engagements that feel overwhelming or prioritizing solitude and self-reflection. By carving out moments of quiet and solitude, midlife women can recharge their social batteries, regain a sense of balance, and nurture their individual needs. Social rest can foster a greater appreciation for relationships and help midlife women find a healthier equilibrium between social connections and personal space.


Sensory Rest

The constant exposure to noise, bright lights, and technology can overwhelm and overstimulate midlife women. Sensory rest involves intentionally disconnecting from sensory stimuli and creating moments of calm. This can be achieved through practices such as taking nature walks, enjoying soothing music, or engaging in sensory experiences like aromatherapy or gentle cranio sacral therapy (you book your appointment here). By providing the senses with restful experiences, it’s possible to reduce stress levels, enhance relaxation, and improve their overall sensory well-being, which is vital for maintaining a healthy nervous system.


Spiritual Rest

Nurturing the spirit is essential for midlife women seeking a sense of purpose, meaning, and connection. Spiritual rest involves engaging in activities that align with personal values and beliefs. This may include practices such as meditation, prayer, attending religious services, or spending time in nature. By taking moments for spiritual reflection, you can cultivate inner peace, find solace in life’s challenges, and foster a sense of connection to something greater than yourself. Spiritual rest can bring a deep sense of fulfilment, reduce anxiety, and contribute to overall emotional and mental well-being.


Creative Rest

Midlife women often possess a wealth of creativity and unique talents that may have been neglected due to other life priorities. Creative rest involves tapping into one’s creative side and engaging in activities that inspire joy and self-expression. This may include writing, painting, dancing, or learning a new musical instrument. By embracing creativity, it’s possible to unlock a sense of vitality, boost self-esteem, and tap into a source of personal fulfilment. Creative rest allows you to channel energy into activities that bring you joy and unleash your inner artist.


Final thoughts…..

Rest is a multifaceted concept, and midlife women can benefit from exploring the various types of rest available to them.   Your health matters.  Absolutely make a point of scheduling your rest, as a way to honour your needs, and maintain your boundaries. You are important; it’s time to put yourself first.  Recognizing and prioritizing your need for physical, mental, emotional, social, sensory, spiritual, and creative rest, can enhance your overall well-being, find balance, and navigate this transformative stage of life with greater resilience and contentment.


A bit about me & my background

Claire is a Health, Wellbeing and Rehabilitation Specialist at Restoring Balance; a Sports Scientist and a Women’s Health Coach who is also a multi-disciplined therapist specialising in person-centred care.  Claire is also a carer, juggling her time between her clinic and looking after her Mum.  

Claire’s work is very different to many therapists – working with you as a whole person using a unique combination of mind, nutrition and movement to overcome both physical and emotional blocks; not just where you feel pain or have dysfunction, allowing you to live life again.  Claire can help you with:

I work both online and in person from my home-based clinic on Hayling Island, Hampshire.

Ready to make a change? Book in for a Let’s Talk.

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